Reserving Library Space
Reserve A Room for your Event
Room reservation requests must be submitted 14 days in advance of the proposed event. This form is only for use by Howard University faculty and staff
Students and student organizations must submit space/room requests in writing directly to the Office of Student Life & Activities., Blackburn University Center, Suite 117, Washington, DC 20059 202-806-5990
Reserve Frederick Library Study Rooms
Starting August 14th, 2023, reservations will be required for the group study rooms in the Frederick Library. Now you can book a room ahead of time from your phone, or laptop, instead of hoping one will be available.
Study Room Policies
- Study rooms are reserved online (provide the appropriate link)
- Study rooms may only be reserved by Howard University students, faculty, or staff.
- Study rooms may not be used for commercial or commerce-related activities.
- Study rooms may be reserved up to twice a day up to 2 hours per day (minimum reservation time 1 hour).
- It is possible to reserve a study room for two separate one hour bookings.
- Reservations can be made consecutively but cannot exceed the 2 hours per day maximum reservation limit
- Two or more people constitute a group for purposes of using a group study room. However, one person may also reserve a study room.
- Only one person or group can occupy a study room at a time.
- Study room reservations that are not confirmed via email after 15 minutes will be cancelled.
- Study room privacy is not guaranteed.
- University Libraries staff reserve the right to enter any group study room at any time without prior permission of the occupants.
- Any obstruction of doorways is prohibited
- Occupants may not post signs (e.g. Occupied, Do Not Disturb, Keep Out, etc.)
- Occupants must conform to the University's policies for personal conduct and the Library Community Standards and Expectations.
- Smoking, sleeping, cooking, card playing, partying, painting, loud music, and/or any other activities disruptive to others are prohibited.
- Earbuds are encouraged.
- Noise levels from any conversations and/or equipment must not disturb others (this includes the office or study room adjacent to you)
Personal Property
- Neither the Library nor the University is responsible for unattended, lost, stolen, or damaged personal items.
- Unattended personal property may not be used to "hold" a room by any individual or group.
- Unattended personal property left in an unoccupied study room may be removed by library staff and taken to the Library's lost and found (located at the desk).
- Occupants are prohibited from using any equipment that may cause a safety hazard (e.g. extended electrical cords, cables, cooking appliances, etc.)
- Furniture cannot be moved into or out of a study room.
**Failure to adhere to the above guidelines on 2 or more occasions will result in the person(s) occupying the study room to be banned from study room reservation privileges for 2 weeks (14 days).